the duck group / the chain of life
The educational project
'from design duck group to artwork the chain of life'
for land art art route The Green Ribbon
stand still for a moment
do nothing for a while
say nothing
but listen
and look around you
be amazed
You will experience the artwork 'Duck group, tree and bench'.
Created in the 70s by artist Kees Keijzer, and redesigned in 2022 by children from primary schools in Veldhoven together with 't kunsthuis. In an educational project visual arts, the students were included in the complete design process.
The elements that the children designed have many connections with the cycle.
You see the brain, which has a link to ASML, where this artwork is located.
Child in freedom; we have seen that freedom reflected in the designs.
Growth and development; from seed to flowering.
And movement; flow of water, landscape and animals.
The cycle is depicted abstractly in the tree.
The black lines are minimal and simplified. In strong contrast with white and bright colors,
which makes the group of statues a unity that invites you to come and view it from a distance!
'Children are pure and full of imagination, and they are also close to nature.
It's a pleasure to be inspired by them.'
Nicole van Herpen and Nicole Verhoeven, the art house.
The educational project 'from design to artwork the chain of life' for land art art route Het Groene Lint was created through a collaboration between: